Product Details
AM/FM Miniature Tuning Capacitors

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Drawing of FT78KMiniature tuning capacitors for radios, ZN416 circuits and crystal sets. Each has an antenna section and an oscillator section for each band, and a trimmer for each section. The control shaft is a flat 6mm dia. brass spindle, tapped down the centre with an M2.5 thread. Fixing is either direct pcb or by two M2.5 screws on 14mm centres on same face as shaft. (Note: Thread length is 3mm. If using long screws, take care that they do not foul the vanes.) 
Drawing of AB11M 
For stock code: AB11M FT78K 
Capacity AM sections: 126pF 141.6/59.2pF* 
Capacity FM sections: 20pF
Q AM sections: <500 500 
Q FM sections: <150
Total rotation: 1800 1800 
Max voltage: 100V 100V 
Dimensions mm: 20x20x13 20x20x13 
(excluding shaft)
*Antenna/Oscillator gang.